Do's & Dont's


  1. Buy the plots only in the CCMC approved layouts; otherwise obtaining the plan approval from CCMC is not possible.  
  2. Ensure proper public approach road is available to the plot, away from the minimum distance of 90m from burial ground, 30m from railway track, 50m from water body/channels, etc before buying the house plot.
  3. Except the exceptional cases, the plot size should not be less than 30'x50', even if it is regularised under the egularisation scheme. 
  4. Also verify the land acquisition proceedings from Tamilnadu Housing Board, Land Acquisition Officer in Taluk office, Land Cieling issues from Land Reforms Office in Collectorate, Town Planning Scheme issues from LPA.
  5. Ensure the levy & payment of vacant land tax for 6 years excluding the current half year. Construct buildings after proper approval and as per the approved plan to avoid unwanted action by the authorities. (Ensure that sufficient set back (The distance between the road margin and the building at plinth level is 10' for 30-40' wide road; 15' for60' road; 20' for 80' road or one fourth the height of the building whichever is higher). See the link of DCR page in CCMC website)
  6. Engage authorised Civil Engineers/Architects, preferably the Licensed Building Surveyors/Architects authorised by  CCMC for plan preparation and construction. (Check the list in the link in LBS page in CCMC webite)
  7. Ensure natural disaster design in the construction, since Coimbatore falls under Seismic Zone- III.
  8. Follow the Rules/Regulations/Bylaws, etc in the construction. (Link to DCR page in CCMC website).
  9. Get the free technical guidance of CCMC Officials at office, if required.   
  10. Anyone can report the unauthorised, unsafe constructions and violations without disclosing their name. 
  11. Report the encroachments & obstructions on Government lands, OSR, including unauthorised religious structures.
  12. Report unsafe buildings.
  13. Always use the earmarked parking space to park the vehicles.


  1. Do not buy unapproved plots/lands.
  2. Do not buy plots with no approach road.
  3. Do not deviate the approved plan and violate the rules in the construction. 
  4. Do not convert the parking space in commercial complexes, apartments, etc.
  5. Do not encroach on government & public property.  
  6. Do not engage unqualified persons in the name of Construction Engineer in the construction work.
  7. Do not take advices of middlemen brokers in the building construction activity, since they do not know anything   about the technical aspects of building construction except to deal with brokerage.
  8. Do not dump the debris in public places.   
  9. Do not allow the unauthorised hoardings to dispaly in tour premises.  
  10. For other conditions please refer the links.